Materials & Resources

Student Information

The Student Profile Form [Word] [PDF format] is an extremely valuable tool for the receiving school. We would encourage the elementary school team to complete this form. Keeping detailed information about your students is imperative to ensure successful transitions from grade to grade and school to school.  When a teacher or support staff is absent, using the What You Need to Know About... [Word] [PDF format] form can be a quick and easy way to pass on information about a student's day-to-day nuances.



Transitioning Protocol

The transition from elementary school to high school is both an exciting and anxiety-provoking experience for many students. These feelings of fear and stress are often more intense for students who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Careful planning and preparation can help to facilitate this transition for both the student and the receiving school.

The ASD Team introduced a Transition Protocol and Timeline. This protocol was extremely successful in gradually preparing grade 6 students who have an ASD for high school. This timeline can also be used when a student is transitioning from school to school and class to class. We also have a Kindergarten Transition Protocol and Timeline.